Cyber Education (#CyberEducationForFree) by SighBearUK in assoication with tbe CiBears

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  • Slide Deck four - First recap
    This is the fourth slide deck (SighBearUK recap (#CyberEducationForFree)) covering Threat, Asset, Motivation, Capability, Exploit, Vulnerability, Exposure, Cause, Loss, Consequence and Impact. Again we have used Cyber World and Sigh Bear World to provide examples.
    The first option below opens it from google (which might be blocked my some companies) also try slideshare
    Embedded PDF without the speaker notes (scroll up / down or download)
    Embedded PDF with the speaker notes (scroll up / down or download)
  • Slide Deck Three - Cyber Threat
    This is the third slide deck (SighBearUK talks Cyber and Threat (#CyberEducationForFree)) covering capability and motivation as input into likelihood. Again we have used Cyber World and Sigh Bear World to provide examples.
    The first option below opens it from google (which might be blocked my some companies) also try slideshare
    Embedded PDF without the speaker notes (scroll up / down or download)
    Embedded PDF with the speaker notes (scroll up / down or download)
  • Slide Deck Two - Context is key in Cyber Risk
    This is the second slide deck (SighBearUK talks Cyber and Risk (#CyberEducationForFree)) covering what is context and how it needs to be applied in Cyber-Risk. We know that some so called professionals will disagree especially with regards to applying tick box exercises but hopefully you will agree with us after going through the slide deck!
    The first option below opens it from google (which might be blocked my some companies) also try slideshare
    Embedded PDF without the speaker notes (scroll up / down or download)
    Embedded PDF with the speaker notes (scroll up / down or download)
  • Slide Deck One - CiBears talk about Cyber and Risk (Introduction)
    This is the first slide deck (SighBearUK talks Cyber and Risk (#CyberEducationForFree)) covering the basic for new comers and reminding some of the so called professionals what the foundations are.
    The first option below opens it from google (which might be blocked my some companies) also try slideshare
    Embedded PDF without the speaker notes (scroll up / down or download)
    Embedded PDF with the speaker notes (scroll up / down or download)


    "Interesting! On a really pedantic point - if a £10 note is stolen from my wallet, then I have lost £10. If I deposit £10 at a bank and a £10 note is later stolen from the till or the safe at my bank, then my bank has lost £10 and I have lost nothing - the bank is still required to pay me my £10 on deposit. I realise that this is is not the point you were trying to make - as I said, this isa bit pedantic. :-)" - Executive Director of the Institute for Cyber Security Innovation, Trusted Advisor, Technology Lawyer

    Looks like a good beginning to a great slide deck for sure. It's about time we got some simple explanation of what many deem to be complex. It's something I do when I deliver training. - Principal Security Consultant CISSP, CISM, PCI DSS QSA

    haha this was great - I love the bear & honey analogy :) - Security Awareness Advocate 

    First browse looked logical. - Security Consultant

    "There’s not many people in a reality space over theory space!"
    "I like it. It’s simple and plain. Not dumb, but equally not unnecessarily complex.
    My one thing is that I’d expand risk to cover source / threat / then exploit, and also call out weakness along side vulnerability just so people get beyond the mindset of technical vulnerabilities.
    I do like it though. Good job" - former European CISO of the year

    i like the SiBear risk stuff - getting back to basics and easy to understand example - Group Information Security Officer (CISSP OSCP CFIP) & Cyber Security Innovation Consultant

    I think the slide deck's use of humour and an abstracted but understandable non techy way of explaining Cyber etc. is very good. It will appeal to audiences of all ages from early secondary school to the elderly. - BSc xCLAS SCCP CISM A.Inst.ISP MCMI MCGI

    Nice. I'd just settled into them when they finished! Perhaps a closing slide with your contacts and credits. I mean do we have to go down to the woods today to hire you? - FInstISP (An enthusiastic, Consulting Analyst with a respectable Academic attached)

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Further reading / links (come with no warranty etc)
The Cartoons / Images can be found here
Artwork by Claire Brown
Three years ago a crack bear unit was sent to deepest darkest Peru by a UK court for a crime they didn't commit. These bears promptly escaped from a maximum security cage to the Cyber underground. Today, still wanted by the government (to help them), they survive as bears of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the CiBears.